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Kinkhabwala A, Riley M, Koyama M, Monen J, Satou C, Kimura Y, Higashijima S, and J. Fetcho (2011) A structural and functional ground plan for neurons in the hindbrain of zebrafish. PNAS 108:1164-9.
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Kishore, S. and JR Fetcho (2013) Homestatic regulation of dendritic dynamics in a motor map in vivo. Nature Communications. 4, Article number:2086
Koyama M, Minale F, Shum J, Nishimura N, Schaffer CB, Fetcho JR (2016) A circuit motif in the zebrafish hindbrain for a two alternative behavioral choice to turn left or right. Elife 9;5.
Chen S, Chiu CN, McArthur KL, Fetcho JR, Prober DA. (2016) TRP channel mediated neuronal activation and ablation in freely behaving zebrafish. Nat Methods. 2016 Feb;13(2):147-50
Chow DM, Zuchowski KA, Fetcho JR (2017) In vivo measurement of glycine receptor turnover and synaptic size reveals differences between functional classes of motoneurons in zebrafish. Curr Biol 27(8); 1173-1183.
McArthur KL, Fetcho JR (2017) Key features of structural and functional organization of zebrafish facial motor neurons are resilient to disruption of neuronal migration. Curr Biol 27(12); 1746-1756.
Farrar MJ, Kolkman KE, and Fetcho JR (2018) Features of the structure, development, and activity of the zebrafish noradrenergic system explored in new CRISPR transgenic lines.J Comp Neurol. 526(15):2493-2508.
McArthur, K.L, Chow, D.M. and Fetcho J.R. (2020) Zebrafish as a Model for Revealing the Neuronal Basis of Behavior. In: The Zebrafish in Biomedical Research. Cartner et al., Eds. pp. 593-617.
Chow, D.M., Sinefeld, D., Kolkman, K.E., Ouzounov DG, Akbari N, Tatarsky R, Bass A, Xu C and Fetycho JR (2020) Deep three-photon imaging of the brain in intact adult zebrafish. Nat Methods 17: 605–608.
One snake paper: Joes first love, and first paper:
Gans, C. and J.R. Fetcho (1982) The Sri Lankan genus Aspidura (Serpentes, Reptilia, Colubridae). Annals of Carnegie Museum. 51:271-316.